It’s time for news of an equipment splurge. This time round we’re over at West London recording studio Westpoint, who have been making a lot of great updates to their equipment spec. Feat your eyes over some of this…
Tube Tech CL1B Opto Compressor
Avid HD Sync I/O
The Konnektor SSL to Pro Tools Sync
Radial EXTC 500 series pedal re-amp (x2)
Duh Voodoo Man Mega-Muff – Boutique Big Muff
Duh Voodoo Man Zonkin’ Yellow Screamer Boutique Tube Screamer
Duh Voodoo Man Rabid Rodent Boutique style ProCo Rat
3x Realistic PZM’s
Radial Tank Driver
Radial Phazeq
The guys over at Westpoint aren’t done yet, either. Stay tuned for more news on equipment upgrades at Westpoint Studios soon.
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