Writing Studios

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Miloco's selection of high-end and inspiring writing studios has been put together to provide writers and bands with a choice of brilliant facilities to create their hits in. The studios are spread across London and elsewhere, and include cool, luxury city spaces and stunning writing retreats in the country. We aim to cater to all writers' tastes and requirements, and so have assembled a portfolio of studios with different specs, vibes, locations and rates.

Some of the rooms will find on this page rank alongside the most popular commercial writing studios London has to offer, and are based in both the North and South of the city. Between them our London writing studios feature top quality recording consoles including the newly released Audient ASP4816 found in The Bridge and Summerhouse, Audient Zen based in The Bunker and even a Vintage Neve located at Toast. We have equipped all the studios with Pro Tools, powerful monitoring, and a good choice of outboard, and each room comes with a choice of one or two recording booths, some of which are large enough to accommodate a drum kit.

The Albion Rooms, England

Recording Studio, SSL Studio, Writing Studio

Big Jelly Studios, Ramsgate, UK

Recording Studio, Residential Studio, Writing Studio

The Cabin, Kings Cross, London, England

Recording Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

Dock Street Studio, East London

Recording Studio, Writing Studio

Echotown Studio, Dorset

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, SSL Studio, Writing Studio

Elephant Office , Florianópolis

Recording Studio, Residential Studio, Mixing Studio, SSL Studio, Mastering Studio, Writing Studio

Highwater, Deptford, London

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Writing Studio

Hotel Québec, England

Recording Studio, Writing Studio

Limusic, Limoux, South of France, France

Recording Studio, Residential Studio, Mixing Studio, Writing Studio

Livingston Studio 2, Wood Green, London, England

Recording Studio, Writing Studio

Migration Studios, The Cotswolds , England

Recording Studio, Residential Studio, Writing Studio

Mushroom Studio, Near Venice, Italy

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Writing Studio

One Two Pass It South, France

Recording Studio, Residential Studio, Neve Studio

Principle Pleasure, Los Angeles, USA

Programming Room, Writing Studio

QDS Studios, Centre of Paris, France

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, 5.1 Mixing Studio, Neve Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

Qube East, England

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Writing Studio, Audio Post Production

RENEWSOUND Studio, Sofia, Bulgaria

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Writing Studio

Runway Recording Studios, London, England

Programming Room, Writing Studio

Salvation Studios, England

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Neve Studio, Writing Studio

Sensible Music, London, England

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, SSL Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

The Shelter, London, England

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

Silver Shark Studios, London, England

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, SSL Studio, Writing Studio

Sleeper Sounds, Ladbroke Grove, London, England

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Writing Studio

Sodasound, Paris Center, France

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Mastering Studio, Writing Studio, Audio Post Production, Voiceover Recording

Space Mountain Studios, Sierra Nevada, Near Grenada, Spain

Recording Studio, Residential Studio

Studio 13, West London

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, Neve Studio

Tall Pine Records, Kolbudy, Poland

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio

Tape Studio, England

Recording Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

Ten87, Tottenham, London

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, SSL Studio, Writing Studio

Three Six Zero Studios, England

Recording Studio, SSL Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

The Toyshop, London, England

Recording Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

Treehaus Recording, Woodland Hills, Los Angeles

Recording Studio, Mixing Studio, SSL Studio

TYE London, London, England

Recording Studio, Programming Room, Writing Studio

The Vault, England

Programming Room, Writing Studio
Can't find what you're looking for? Start a Studio Search

It is of course essential for a great writing studio to have a good and interesting choice of backline, and we have paid attention to enhancing the selection of instruments in each of the rooms. Some of them have amazing backline specs, such as Lion Aboard and The Bridge who have some excellent guitars, amps and vintage keyboards. There are plenty of microphones to choose from at whichever studio you book.

We understand that many musicians look for UK writing studios outside of the city, and so we are continually building up a selection of writing retreats where you can escape the distractions of city life and really focus on making music. Our collection of rural writing studios starts at Osea Island, an exclusive paradise for the music industry located in the Blackwater Estuary off England's East Coast. Based on Osea Island is a beautiful residential writing studio called The Summerhouse, which has a brilliant equipment spec centred around an Audient ASP4816, and sole use of a large 3-bedroom cottage surrounded by the stunning and peaceful scenery of the island.

The writing studios we provide aim to cater for many different budgets.

Please call +44 (0) 20 7232 0008 or email bookings@miloco.co.uk for details on rates.

If you have any questions about any of these studios or would like to make a booking enquiry please call our bookings team on +44 (0) 207 232 0008, or email bookings@miloco.co.uk.

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