Miloco announces first Nashville studio

timthumbWelcome To 1979, a retro, vibey recording studio just minutes from downtown Nashville, is now on the Miloco roster. Containing completely reconditioned analogue tape recorders, outboard gear, and microphones, the studio confirms that vintage doesn’t mean antiquated.

Welcome To 1979 includes more than 7,000 square feet over two floors, which means there is plenty of room for bands to spread out. The live room is an impressive 25 x 40ft, and this is complemented by eight isolation rooms. Even Arcade Fire could get lost here.

Recording is done through a vintage MCI onto tape, but of course there is Pro Tools for those who wish to stay in the digital domain. The studio is well backed up on the instrument front, with three pianos and plenty of vintage keyboards.

Check out Welcome To 1979 here.

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