Race Horses band interview at Miloco Studios’ The Pool in March 2011.
Miloco: It’s great to have you here at Miloco. What project are you working on and how’s it all going?
Race Horses: Working on an album. Going “swimmingly”
Miloco: You’ve been working in The Pool. What have you enjoyed about the studio?
Race Horses:
– Great equipment and space
– Great engineer
– Good sized television
– Fridge/Oven
– EMS + Arp
– Grand Piano
– Lighting
Miloco: How would you describe the material you are working on
Race Horses: Acoustic Hip-Hop in many ways
Miloco: Who was your studio assistant, and how were they?
Race Horses: Billy (and John) – Brilliant, made the process a lot faster by helping setup, and nice (made tea!).
Miloco: How did you come about working with Matt Wiggins on this project and what do you feel he offers that other producers/engineers might not?
Race Horses: We met him when did some demos at The Square and got on very well – he offers speed and accuracy a well as exceptional taste in parts. Plus the ability to use humour to diffuse a situation.
Miloco: What’s your favourite record of the last 12 months (give or take)?
Race Horses:Villagers – Becoming a Jackal
Miloco: If you could change one thing to benefit today’s music industry, what would it be?
Race Horses: Get rid of the internet.
Race Horses were speaking to Miloco in March 2011.
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