Exit Calm were recording in The Square in March 2009. Here is a band interview from the sessions.
Miloco: It’s great to have you here at Miloco. What project are you doing here and when’s it due to be released?
EC: Thanks for having us. We are recording our first album due to be released some time before the summer.
Miloco: Which Miloco studio are you using ?
EC: The Square
Miloco: How would you describe the material you are working on
EC: Big guitars, Grooves, Massive melodies. A bit like Cherry Fishermans friends.
Miloco: Who was your studio assistant, and how was your studio assistant?
EC: The assistant was Adrian Breakspear. He’s a top bloke, get on like a house on fire and he makes things easy for us. Like’s flying.
Miloco: How did you come about working with Paddy Byrne on this project?
EC: We met Paddy about a year and a half ago, so we stayed in touch from then and always wanted him on board.
Miloco: What does he bring to the project that other producers / engineers wouldn’t?
EC: He’s got a great ear for what we do, and he actually wants to be involved so his ideas always have good taste. On top of that, the energy he seems to get out of us is great and it shows in the recordings. Nobody else gets that from us.
A few silly questions / requests that really don’t mind silly answers!! –
Miloco: The song you wished you’d written:
EC: ‘Everybody’s Got Something To Live’ – Arthur Lee
Miloco: The song you’re glad you didn’t write:
EC: Anything shit
Miloco: What was your strangest experience of 2008:
EC: Don’t know. Being in a band, and we had an argument about pigs. It’s like being in the fucking funny farm.
Miloco: You are placed in front of a time machine. Which year would you go to and why?:
EC: 1989 – Go and watch the La’s and the Stone Roses. Then maybe get off to the Hacienda.
Miloco: Draw us a picture:
Exit Calm were speaking to Miloco in March 2009.
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