During the sessions for his debut album in 2006, Jamie T was working in The Toyshop with his trusty engineer Ben Coupland. At the time Miloco (perhaps foolishly) asked Jamie to write down a few of his current thoughts, and got far more than we bargained for. Kittens, panic and goatees await…
Name of artist/band:
Jamie T
Name of band members (and instrument of choice):
Jamie T – vox, bass, guitar, keys, drums, logic
Where are you from (town/country)?
SW London
Quick band history – when formed, previous bands you were in, etc, etc.
Byelaw 20, played spoons for Lady Sovereign and Nose Flute on the Mystery Jets album
What label are you signed to? (And how did it come about?)
Virgin – sucked a few cocks here and there.
What project are you doing here at Miloco (e.g. recording, mixing or remixing/single tracks or album) and when’s it due to be released?
‘Writing’ and recording.
How would you describe the material you’re working on?
Like having liquid shit poured in your ears.
Who’s producing (and why did you choose them/what’s good about them)?
Dave Stewart co-producing cos he’s got a nice goatee
Which Miloco studio/s are you using (and why did you choose it/them)?
Which Miloco engineer/producer/assistant are you using and how have you found them?
Thom ‘short circuit’ Lewis [assistant] – AKA Henry Rollins Jnr. Pushes coffee & tea like it was crack.
Any additional info you’d like to let us know about?
The Japanese don’t actually keep kittens in jars. That was an internet hoax.
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