They were in making what would go on to become a Mercury Music Prize winning album, ‘Myths of the Near Future’, so it was great that Klaxons found time to give a quick interview for the Miloco website. They were making the album in The Garden with producer James Ford.
Name of band:
Name of band members (and instrument of choice):
Jamie – Bass/vocals
James – Keys/vocals
Simon – Guitar/vocals
Steffan – Drums/vocals
Where are you from?
New Cross London
Quick band history:
Formed in October 2005
What label are you signed to (and how did it come about)?
Angular Recording Corporation, Merok
What project are you doing here at Miloco, and when’s it due to be released?
Recording single & album tracks for May/February…
How would you describe the material you’re working on?
Who’s producing (and why did you choose them)?
James Ford – his hair/his hair.
Which Miloco studio/s are you using?
The Garden
Which Miloco engineer/producer/assistant are you using and how have you found them?
Thom [assistant]- formidable
Any additional info you’d like to let us know about?
James has the best teeth.
Simon will do anything for a Dr Pepper.
Jamie used to work as a doctor.
Steffan knows too much.
Klaxons were talking to Miloco in April 2006.
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