Essex band Magistrates were recording a single in The Engine Room in 2008. Here is an interview they did during their time at Miloco.
Miloco: Name of band members and instrument of choice?
Paul – vox, keys
Mark – guitar
Thom – bass
Andy – drums
Miloco: What project are you doing here at Miloco (e.g. recording, mixing or remixing / single tracks or album) and when’s it due to be released?
Magistrates: Recording single, poss album
Miloco: Which Miloco studio/s are you using and why did you choose it/them?
Magistrates: Engine Room – Switch and Management mentioned studios, we are using a few Miloco studios.
Miloco: Please describe The Pool in one line:
Magistrates: The Lowrey Organ is Great.
Miloco: Who was your studio assistant, and how was your studio assistant?
Magistrates: Dan (Rejmer) – Very nice!
Miloco: How did you come about working with Dave Taylor on this project?
Magistrates: Through our label and management. We also are a fan of Switch’s work on M.I.A. and Santogold
Miloco: What does Dave bring to the project that other producer engineers wouldn’t?
Magistrates: Hob-nobs. Dave’s background is different to us but we are big fans of all his work. Its a different way of approaching things which is exciting for everyone.
A few silly questions / requests that really don’t mind silly answers!! –
Miloco: The song you wished you’d written:
Magistrates: ‘Purple Rain’
Miloco: The song you’re glad you didn’t write:
Magistrates: ‘Hotel California’
Miloco: What’s the strangest rumour you ever heard about yourself?
Magistrates: That Andy was pregnant with a sheep from New Zealand.
Miloco: Draw us a picture!
Miloco: Any additional info you’d like to let us know about?
Magistrates: We were born on a little island inhabited by midgets in bikinis
Magistrates were speaking to Miloco in July 2008.
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