An interview with singer-songwriter Nick Harrison during a recording session in The Pool with producer Paul Epworth and engineer Mark Rankin, Spring 2007.
Name of band members (and instrument of choice):
Nick – guitar
Naz – drums
Quick band history – when formed, previous bands you were in, etc, etc.:
Umm…been writin for about 2 years then went to ACM a year ago. There Dougie Bruce found us, then he offered a deal, then with him met Empire, and in turn A&M. Quality :o)
What project are you doing here at Miloco (e.g. recording, mixing or remixing/single tracks or album) and when’s it due to be released?
Writing, recording stuff for the album. Dunno really yet, next year?
Which Miloco studio are you using and why did you choose it?
The Pool – the collection of vintage equipment, quality instruments, the space, good vibes.
Please describe The Pool in one line:
It’s a very inspirational place.
Who was your studio assistant, and how was your studio assistant?
Ollie (Wright) – very very good, lovely guy.
How would you describe the material you are working on?
Really fun kinda pop tunes.
How did the working relationship with Paul Epworth and Mark Rankin come about, and what do you feel they bring to the project that other producers/engineers wouldn’t necessarily?
Through my management company ‘Empire’ met Paul and in turn Mark. Paul challenges me and really works me hard to get the best out of me. Mark’s got to be the brainiest engineer in the game. A pleasure to work with.
You had several record labels wanting to acquire your signature. What was it about A&M which made it first choice for you?
The small roster really. I’d get more attention and more dedication from them. The artistic freedom also. Plus, the logo is cool. Oh and The Police.
How did you become acquainted with co-writer Judie Tzuke, and what do youn think makes it such a good songwriting partnership?
Through my publisher Dougie Bruce. She’s a lovely lady, very good at suiting the artist she works with and has an exceptional ear for harmony and melody. She also made me look at how the lyrics come across and how to try and reach as many people as possible so they can relate to what I’ve got to say. Also her house is cool – it’s big and entirely pink. She lives with loads of musicians and everyone there was really good company.
A few silly questions that really don’t mind silly answers!! –
The song you wished you’d written:
Eleanor Rigby
The song you’re glad you didn’t write:
er… Crazy Frog (no one wants to admit that surely!)
What’s the strangest rumor any of you have heard about yoursleves?
Don’t think anyone knows me yet so I’ve heard none! My dad thought I was coming home over the weekend, that’s a rumour.
If you could go back to any point in time, what year would you go to and why?
1970. Isle Of Wight Festival – see the boy Hendrix at work.
Draw us a picture:
Nick Harrison was speaking to Miloco in June 2007.
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