The Chapel Club were recording their debut album with producer Paul Epworth in The Pool recording studio in 2010. Here is a band interview from the session.
Miloco: It’s great to have you here at Miloco. What project are you working on and how’s it all going?
CC: Starting work on the album… We’re only on day two but it feels very promising. We’re having fun.
Miloco: You’ve been working in The Pool. What have you enjoyed about the studio?
CC: Light! Space! Disco globe (real flutters of excitement after sundown when the globe is set in motion). Non-brutal colour scheme!
Miloco: How would you describe the material you are working on
CC: I wouldn’t if i had the choice. The feeling is in the music, the meaning is in the words… If we do it properly there should be no description necessary. (ap. for bad syntax)
Miloco: Who was your studio assistant, and how were they?
CC: Matt (Wiggins), who is attentive, amicable, highly efficient and lightly bearded. We like Matt a lot.
Miloco: How did you come about working with Paul Epworth on this project and what do you feel he offers that other producers/engineers might not?
CC: Paul kind of announced to Mike that he was going to do our album, and he was right. We were lucky enough to try a few people out and Paul smashed it. Dude is a genius, and fun with it. Plus he knows how to rock a chunky knit.
Miloco: What’s your favourite record of the last 12 months (give or take)?
CC: It changes from day-to-day, but as of this evening it’s Embryonic, by Flaming Lips.
Miloco: You are placed in front of a time machine. Which year in the past or future would you travel to and why?:
CC: Oh, wow. I would travel to August 5th 2004, and visit with someone I can no longer visit with.
Miloco: If you could change one thing to benefit today’s music industry, what would it be?
CC: I would have Radio One guide the nation’s tastes for the better, rather than pandering to them and doing music a bit of a disservice.
Miloco: Draw us a picture!
CC: I’ll hand over to Liam: I have set him the task of drawing a man being shot from a cannon in a circus. Here follows his take on the idea…
Unfortunately, Liam got preoccupied and we have, for now, missed the opportunity to see his take on human cannonballing. We’ll do our upmost to engage him before the album leaves for mastering…!
The Chapel Club were speaking to Miloco in February 2010.
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