Miloco’s Osea Island Residential Recording Studio in the Blackwater Estuary, Essex is a popular writing and recording retreat for bands. With beautiful views and stunning grounds, it’s the perfect place if you’re looking for inspiration.
Hudson Taylor’s most recent single, ‘Care’, was written at Miloco’s Osea Island and recorded at The Pool. They enjoyed their time there so much, it led to their latest EP ‘Osea’ being named after their experience on the island.
Engineer/Producer Charlie Hugall produced and mixed the EP, which was undertaken at various Miloco studios such as Sofa Sound and Angelic residential studio in Oxford.
For a review of lead single, Care, click here. Following track, Second Best, continues in the folk vein of Hudson Taylor’s sound, opening with a whistling intro and a simple accompaniment of acoustic guitars and the harmonising vocals of brothers Harry and Alfie.
Called On starts as a delicately finger-picked lament before morphing into a upbeat strum-heavy, guitar driven track – perhaps the rockiest on the EP. The closing, Beautiful Mistake, is a perfect example of Harry and Alfie’s brilliantly tender songwriting and simplistic folk songs.
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