Bauer Studios, formerly known as Tonstudio Bauer, is the oldest privately run recording studio in all of Germany, and one of the largest. Located in Ludwigsburg, just outside of Stuttgart, Bauer Studios were established in 1949, we are proud to have a studio with such a rich and impressive musical pedigree join the Miloco catalogue.
Being able to cater projects of all sizes and genres, Bauer has developed an excellent reputation, particularly for being able to cater to large and complex orchestral recordings, whether that’s jazz, classical or modern. Being a full-service facility Bauer also offer in-house mastering and the unique capability of bespoke on site mobile recording to capture special performances and live recordings.
As a well established studio with over half a century of expertise, Bauer offers the best in vintage and analog recording equipment, as well as all the latest hi-tech gear you’d expect from a top quality studio, including an AMS Neve console.
Join us in welcoming Bauer Studios to Miloco, and for more information, images and the equipment spec, check out their studio page on our site.
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