In January 2008 Kid Carpet was mixing his album of casio keyboards and Fisher Price guitars in The Engine Room with producer Ben Hillier. He answered some questions and drew some pictures for us in this interview done during the session.
Miloco: Name of band members and instrument of choice?
Kid Carpet – Throwing shapes, shouting and playing my Casio SA-1
Miloco: Quick history – when started, previous bands you were in, etc. etc.
K C: I think I’m about to be 5 years old. I’ve been in some bands and got tired of carrying heavy and expensive equipment about. That’s why I only use cheap and lightweight gear nowadays. And I prefer splitting all my profits amongst myself.
Miloco: What project are you doing here at Miloco (e.g. recording, mixing or remixing / single tracks or album) and when’s it due to be released?
K C: Mixing my second album due to be released in May 2008 on Sunday Best.
Miloco: Which Miloco studio/s are you using and why did you choose it/them?
K C: We’re in the one where Enya wrote ‘Orinoco Flow’. I didn’t choose it. I chose Ben Hillier and blagged a cheap deal and hey Presto! Here I am.
Miloco: Please describe The Engine Room in one line
K C: The Engine Rooom is a cafe in Bridgwater.
Miloco: Who was your studio assistant, and how was your studio assistant?
K C: Andy is our assistant. He’s ace and is Northern, supports Millwall and cooks food.
Miloco: How would you describe the material you’re working on?
K C: Shallow pop music with uncanny depth.
Miloco: How did the working relationship with Ben Hillier come about, and what do you feel he brings to the project that other producers wouldn’t?
K C: I worked with Ben years ago when I was in an indie band. Since I’ve been Kid Carpet I always send him stuff and pester him to mix for me. Ben is good fun, really ‘gets’ the material and isn’t scared of anything.
A few silly questions / requests that really don’t mind silly answers!! –
Miloco: The song you wished you’d written:
K C: “Backstreet’s Back”. Anything by the Wombles
Miloco: The song you’re glad you didn’t write:
K C: Anything by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Miloco: What’s the strangest rumour you ever heard about yourself?
K C: That I won the Eurovision song contest!!
Miloco: You are placed infront of a time machine. Which year in history would you go to and why?
K C: 0. To watch Jesus die.
Miloco: Draw us a picture!
Official website address: www.kidcarpet.co.uk
Miloco: Any additional information you’d like to let us know about?
K C: I have a football brain…
Kid Carpet was speaking to Miloco in January 2008.
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