Myles Kane’s former band The Rascals recorded their debut album in The Pool with producer Ben Hillier. Here is an interview they did dring the album sessions.
Name of band members (and instrument of choice):
Miles Kane – Guitar + vocals
Joe Edwards – Bass
Greg Mighall – Drums
Quick band history – when formed, previous bands you were in, etc, etc.:
What project are you doing here at Miloco (e.g. recording, mixing or remixing/single tracks or album) and when’s it due to be released?
Recording album first & mixing it here.
Which Miloco studio are you using and why did you choose it?
The Pool – because we’re having an affair with Ben
Please describe The Pool in one line:
the scamps draw a line. We trust you can imagine what it looked like
Who was your studio assistant, and how was your studio assistant?
Oli (Wright) – Great Chef, great allround
How would you describe the material you are working on?
Almost silk.
How did the working relationship with producer Ben Hillier and engineer Ferg Peterkin?
We met them during last year’s African Cup of Nations.
A few silly questions that really don’t mind silly answers!! –
The song you wished you’d written:
Earth Song
The Song you’re glad you didn’t write:
Any U2
What’s the strangest rumor any of you have heard about yoursleves?
That we’re not gay.
You are placed in front of a time machine. Which year in history would you travel to and why?
The only way is up
Draw us a picture:
(newspaper cut-outs accepted)
The Rascals were talking to Miloco in January 2008.
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