The Toyshop

"Plug in and Play"

The Toyshop Floorplan

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The Toyshop is a spacious, comfortable and relaxed recording and writing space on the first floor of Miloco Studios HQ, bathed in natural light and with views of the famous Shard building from the producer's desk.

The control room is built around a high-spec Mac running Pro Tools and Logic and an incredible array of plugins. There are fantastic pieces of outboard (Neve 1073s, CL1B), powerful monitoring from ATC, and, as you'd expect, loads of toys and instruments within arms reach. The room is spacious and comfortable, so perfect for those collaborative writing sessions.

The live room has 24 tie lines to the control room and is plenty big enough to record multiple musicians. There's clear lines of sight to both the booth and the control room too, plus air conditioning and more natural light.

There's a good-sized isolation booth with 6 further tie lines, perfect for vocalists, or for isolating noisy guitar and bass cabs.

Lastly there are tie lines to the entrance way in case more isolation was needed, along with 2 headphone cues in each room, and HDMI and USB ties between the control room and live room. Technically, The Toyshop is an incredibly flexible space, suitable for a massive range of sessions.

The studio is the only space on the first floor of the building, with a communal lounge, kitchen and bathroom right next door, making it a fantastic studio for relaxed recording and writing sessions, where you need a bit of space to relax inbetween takes.

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