Blackbird Studio

"The Ultimate Marriage Between Cutting Edge and Vintage"

Blackbird Studio Floorplan

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Studio C Equipment

  • Console
    • SSL 9080XL K

      SSL 9080XL K

  • Mic Pres and Equaliser
    • API 560 Graphic EQ

      API 560 Graphic EQ

      Originally conceived for use in API consoles of the ’60s and ’70s, the API 560 is a unique device designed to accomplish tasks that no other EQ can. Extremely fast to set and reset using accurate zero detents, the curve shaping potential of the 560 remains unmatched.

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    • API 550B Discrete 4 Band EQ

      API 550B Discrete 4 Band EQ

      Based on API's original 550 from the late '60s, the API 550b is a continuation of the EQ that played a major role in the history of music recording, but with an additional filter band and several new frequencies. Incorporating API's exclusive circuitry and proprietary components (such as the legendary API 2520 Op Amp), the 550b artfully blends the past with the present.

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    • API 550A Discrete 3 Band EQ

      API 550A Discrete 3 Band EQ

      Few equalizers enjoy the respect and admiration of the coveted API 550A. Designed by the now-legendary Saul Walker in the late '60s, the discrete 550A was first used as a modular OEM equalizer. As the industry rapidly embraced the sonic quality of the 550A, it quickly found its way into many custom console designs by Frank DeMedio and other leading engineers. Many of these consoles are still in use today.

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    • Neve 1073 Vintage Original Mic Preamp (x2)

      Neve 1073 Vintage Original Mic Preamp

    • GML 8200 Parametric EQ

      GML 8200 Parametric EQ

    • Pultec EQP-1A EQ (x2)

      Pultec EQP-1A EQ

  • Dynamics
    • DBX 165A Mono Compressor/Limiter (x2)

      DBX 165A Mono Compressor/Limiter

    • BSS DPR-901 II Dynamic EQ

      BSS DPR-901 II Dynamic EQ

    • DBX 902 De-esser

      DBX 902 De-esser

      The dbx 902 de-esser was introduced in the early 80's. It was available as a module for the 900 series racks, which can be compared to the now more popular 500 series format.

      Its ability to remove the harshness without degrading the overall tone made it very popular. It became a classic and most studios still have 902 de-essers in their racks today.

    • SPL Transient Designer

      SPL Transient Designer

    • Universal Audio UA175B Vintage Compressor

      Universal Audio UA175B Vintage Compressor

    • Teletronix LA2A Leveling Amplifier

      Teletronix LA2A Leveling Amplifier

    • Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator

      Empirical Labs Fatso EL7X Tape Simulator

    • DBX 902 De-esser (x2)

      DBX 902 De-esser

      The dbx 902 de-esser was introduced in the early 80's. It was available as a module for the 900 series racks, which can be compared to the now more popular 500 series format.

      Its ability to remove the harshness without degrading the overall tone made it very popular. It became a classic and most studios still have 902 de-essers in their racks today.

    • Chandler Limited EMI TG12413 Zener Limiter

      Chandler Limited EMI TG12413 Zener Limiter

      Based on the EMI equipment used to record the Beatles at Abbey Road, the TG limiter boasts many great features including: switchable input impedance for hard or soft driving of the unit, 11-position attack, 21-position release, side chain filtering and Limit settings.

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    • DBX 160 Compressor/Limiter (x2)

      DBX 160 Compressor/Limiter

    • Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressor Compressor/Limiter (x2)

      Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressor Compressor/Limiter

    • GML 8900 Compressor

      GML 8900 Compressor

      The 8900 Dynamic Range Controller was intrinsically developed to react to loudness (rather than voltage) like our ears do. The 8900’s psycho-acoustic approach uses multiple true-RMS detectors, remarkably accurate log converters, and fast peak detectors to respond intelligently to real signal energy, not just electrical level. This innovative design employs unique controls like Crest Factor, Timing, and Release Hysteresis to precisely control the dynamic features of musical performances; one would ordinarily change out the entire unit to gain this flexibility.

    • Tube-Tech CL 1B Opto Compressor

      Tube-Tech CL 1B Opto Compressor

    • Inward Connections Vac Rac TSL-3 Limiter

      Inward Connections Vac Rac TSL-3 Limiter

    • Universal Audio 1176LN Limiter/Compressor (x2)

      Universal Audio 1176LN Limiter/Compressor

      Billed in the 1968 release as a “true peak limiter with all transistor circuitry and superior performance on all types of program material," the 1176’s major selling point was its ultra-fast attack time — a mere 0.00002 seconds at its fastest setting. It also offered contemporary design, featuring knobs with clear surrounds, pushbuttons, and a brushed aluminum face panel with a blue stripe near the VU meter — none of those then typical big Bakelite knobs in sight.

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    • Urei 1178 Compressor

      Urei 1178 Compressor

  • Reverbs
    • AMS RMX16 Digital Reverb

      AMS RMX16 Digital Reverb

      The AMS RMX16 was the world's first microprocessor-controlled, full-bandwidth, digital reverberator. Heard on hundreds — if not thousands — of seminal recordings from the 1980s onward, the RMX16 is still found in nearly every major recording studio the world over.

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    • Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System

      Lexicon 480L Digital Effects System

      Usually seen sitting on top of the console in many studios, the 480L reverb was released in 1986. Lexicon are considered to be the pioneers of digital reverb, so you can expect some excellent sounds from this unit.

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    • Lexicon 200 Digital Reverb

      Lexicon 200 Digital Reverb

    • Yamaha SPX90

      Yamaha SPX90

    • Yamaha REV5 Digital Reverb

      Yamaha REV5 Digital Reverb

    • Roland SRV-330 Dimensional Space Reverb

      Roland SRV-330 Dimensional Space Reverb

  • Multitrack Recording
    • Analog 2-Tracks available upon request

      Analog 2-Tracks available upon request

    • Alesis Masterlink Hard Disc Recorder

      Alesis Masterlink Hard Disc Recorder

  • Delays and FX Processors
    • TC Electronic M6000

      TC Electronic M6000

    • Lexicon PCM 42 Digital Delay Processor (x2)

      Lexicon PCM 42 Digital Delay Processor

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